Fariborz Lohrabi Pour

302 Whittemore
ECE Department (0111)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
ECE Department (0111)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Research Interests:
- High temperature RF IC design
- Analog and mixed‐mode IC design
- (sub)mm-wave circuit design
- Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2021
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Jan. 2018
- B.S., Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran, Sept. 2013
Research Experiences:
- Design and implementation of C-band Ultra Low Phase Noise VCO with a novel dual tank structure
- Design and implementation of a VHF band resistive mixer using a GaN HEMT with a temperature conversion loss compensation mechanism.
- Design and implementation of a phased array transmitter on GaN HEMT on SiC for sub 6 GHz high temperature applications.
- 1-1.25 GHz, 2-2.5 GHz, and 4.2-5 GHz frequency bands Class-C VCOs with PVT compensation loops. (FoM>190, 188, 189 dBc/Hz @ Δω=10MHz, respectively)
- 8.5-10 GHz frequency band Class-C VCO with linear switch-capacitor networks to minimize the variation in the transfer function of the PLL due to variation in KVCO. (FoM>189dBc/Hz @ Δω=10MHz)
- Reference Generator Block (that provides 13 different frequencies around 1 GHz for the PLL offset loop with spur level of < -50dBc @ Δω=7.8125MHz and Phase Noise of <-145 @ Δω=30KHz)
- C-band dual loop PLL and custom design of all the PLL blocks including SSB Mixers, Conventional PFD/CP, CML dividers, and Operational Amplifier.
Design and implementation of a multi-band RF energy harvester
Work Experience:
- RF circuit designer at ISDL Sharif University of Technology 2016-2018
- Graduate Teaching Assistant at Virginia Tech 2019-2021
- Post-Doc Researcher at Virginia Tech January 2022-Present
- Lecturer at Virginia Tech Spring 2022
- F. Lohrabi Pour and D. Sam Ha, "Design and Performance Investigation of a Temperature Compensated Transmitter with GaN HEMTs for Phased-Array Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Under Review.
- F. Lohrabi Pour and D. Sam Ha, "A M-PSK Modulated Polar Transmitter for IoT applications," 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2021.
- F. Lohrabi Pour, A. Nikpaik, A. Medi and D. Sam Ha, "An Ultra-Low Phase Noise Dual Tank Oscillator," in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Under Review.
- F. Lohrabi Pour and D. S. Ha, "A Temperature Compensated Variable Gain Phase Shifter Based on GaN HEMTs," 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2021.
- F. Lohrabi Pour and D. Sam Ha, "A Temperature Compensated 5 GHz GaN on SiC Power Amplifier," IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Springfield, MA, USA, pp. 549-553, Aug. 2020.
- R. Kundupundi, F. Lohrabi Pour, D. Sam Ha, and K, Ramezanpour, " Digital predistortion of Class-AB and -F-1 power amplifiers using BiLSTM deep neural network," 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2021.
- J. M. Salem, F. Lohrabi Pour and D. Sam Ha, " High Temperature RF Transceiver Design for High-Speed Downhole Communications," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Submitted in Oct. 2021.
- R. Reed, F. Lohrabi Pour and D. Sam Ha, "Design of a Multi-Tone Wireless Power Transmitter Using Second Harmonic Extraction of a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator," 2021 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2021.
- C. Joseph, F. Lohrabi Pour, and D. S. Ha. "Input-resistance reduced gm-boosted common-gate transimpedance amplifier for 100 Gb/s optical communication," Microelectronics Journal, vol. 114, pp. 105155, Aug. 2021.
- C. Joseph, F. Lohrabi Pour, and D. S. Ha. "A 0.13-μm CMOS resonator-based frequency-doubling mechanism for clock recovery in a full-rate 40 Gb/s optical receiver," Microelectronics Journal, vol. 114, pp. 105137, Aug. 2021.
- R. Reed, F. Lohrabi Pour and D. S. Ha, "An Energy Efficient RF Backscatter Modulator for IoT Applications," 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2021.
- J. M. Salem, F. Lohrabi Pour and D. Sam Ha, "A High-Temperature Model for GaN-HEMT Transistors and its Application to Resistive Mixer Design," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 581-591, Feb. 2021.
- N. Turner, F. Lohrabi Pour and D. S. Ha, "Design of a High Temperature 2.37 GHz Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with GaN-on-SiC HEMTs," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 5153-5161, Dec. 2020.
- R. Reed, F. Lohrabi Pour and D. S. Ha, "An Efficient 2.4 GHz Differential Rectenna for Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting," IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Springfield, MA, USA, pp. 208-212, Aug. 2020.
- B. Kerrigan, F. Lohrabi Pour, and D. S. Ha, " System Design of a High-Temperature Downhole Transceiver: Part I – Receiver," IEEE 62nd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), August 2019.
- B. Kerrigan, F. Lohrabi Pour, and D. S. Ha, " System Design of a High-Temperature Downhole Transceiver: Part II – Transmitter," IEEE 62nd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), August 2019.
- B.Salmani, F. Lohrabi Pour, M.B.B. Sharifian, "Comparison between the Vector Control Based on Anti-saturation Capability with the Sensorless Vector Control in PMSM ", American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014; Pages 11-16.
- B.Salmani, M.B.B. Sharifian, F. Lohrabi Pour, "Reduce the current ripple of the PMSM with the vector control method based on anti-saturation than the sensorless vector control method ", Majlesi Journal of Energy Management, Volume 2, Issue 4, Dec. 2013.
- B.Salmani, M.B.B. Sharifian, F. Lohrabi Pour, "Indirect DC Advanced Vector Control Based on Anti-Saturation Block and Voltage Limitation ", 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), May 2014.
Personal Interests:
- Music
- Sport
- Novels